Email your MP today and urge them to write to the Chancellor to take action on hardship

Our social security system should be there for us all when we need it most, but right now it’s not even providing enough to cover the cost of life’s essentials and it’s pushing people to food banks. 

Our latest data shows that almost half of people claiming Universal Credit ran out of food in the last month and did not have enough money to buy more. In the last six months, 73% of people claiming Universal Credit have gone without the essentials. 

People are turning to food banks because they don’t have enough money to live on. As we approach another difficult winter, food banks cannot make up for the failures of a social security system that should be there to support any of us facing tough times.  

We are calling on the UK Government to take urgent action in the upcoming Budget and provide immediate relief for people facing hunger. 


Email your MP today and urge them to write to the Chancellor asking her to:  

  • Introduce a protected minimum floor in Universal Credit to protect people from unaffordable reductions caused by the benefit cap and debt deductions.  
  • Support renters by ensuring Local Housing Allowance keeps up with affordable rents and continues to match the lowest third of rents in each area. 
  • Stop plans to cut Universal Credit support for disabled people by tightening the Work Capability Assessment.  

*to read more about our new research please click here